A project I have been daydreaming about for a while now is to interview some of the very fascinating folks I have the pleasure of knowing in my life.  The general idea is to come up with a unique set of questions that make you go hmmmmm, ooooh, ahhh, and other various onomatopoetics, and then proceed to spill your most interesting beans.

I thought it only fair that I should answer some of these questions myself first, acting as a guinea pig in my own experiment- peering into the oft overlooked bits of life that show one’s true personality and inner workings.  Feel free to share any ideas or fun questions that could make welcome additions to this list!  Some of these were mined & tweaked from various websites, & some mined from my own mind.

I will copy & paste the questionnaire below & would adore learning more about you, if you care to share in the comments.  Share as much or as little as your squishy heart desires!



Q&Adrienne (hey, that’s me!)

1) What were you like in high school?

I was externally quiet, but have always been busy busy busy inside the ol brain box.  Mid to late high school is when I began discovering my true love of words, and the combinations that could be formed with them.  I was an average to meh student that didn’t learn very well in a traditional school setting, but kept my head solidly above the water.  I kept a safety bubble around myself at all times, though I’m still not entirely sure what I was attempting to stay safe from.  I was not comfortable with myself, my personality, nor my looks (and I’m sure I was the ONLY HIGH SCHOOLER EVER to feel this way….). I was in band. I was not particularly good at it (I longingly admired the percussion section from my latter chair seating in the woodwinds.  Le *sigh*) but I did love the community of it, and being involved in music in general.  Subjects I liked: Art, English & literature, science, history, theatre.  Subjects that did not like me: Math, gym, popularity.

2) What is something you believe?

I believe in the power of good.  I believe there really is some sort of karma floating around, and I try to put out as much as I am able, without being worn to a nub.

3) Are you a creature of habit?

Um, YUP.  As much as I like to fancy myself a spontaneous, free wheelin’ adventurous type, I have quite a list of internal rules and regulations that are firmly in place within my psyche.  I require wind down time in my precious comfort zone, otherwise I turn into a gremlin.

4) What are the types of thoughts that roll around in your head when you should be sleeping?


5) When making an entrance into a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you always need a party wingman? Or do you just stay home in your jam jams?  The world needs to know.

I THROW THE PARTIES.  And also, sometimes I hide.  And jammies.  Any or all of them, really.  Depending on my mood. Gosh you sure ask a lot of questions.

6) What animal would you least like to be trapped in a room with?  

I’m going to have to go with any of the large mammals that could consume me. Lions and tigers and… whales?

7) What animal would you like to be in a room full of?

Puppies or pandas.  Or panda puppies.  Also owls, so long as they don’t try and swoop in and gouge my eyes.  Owl puppies.

8) Do you consider yourself “high maintenance?” Elaborate.

Lol, NOPE.  Well, not in the fashiony sense anyway.  I did get a haircut once though.

9) If you had the budget for this- what is one thing you would rather pay someone to do than do yourself? Why?

CLEAN.  Although sometimes I love cleaning because it can be therapeutic.  But mostly, I could totes live without it.

10) What are some qualities that draw you to someone new?

Humor, numero uno.  Also wit, having similar interests, when people are open and honest.  I always admire other’s knowledge & talents, especially when they are willing to share this with others (musicians, scholars, those with a particular honed trade, hobbyists & the like).  I’m intrigued by other people’s stories and backgrounds. I stray away from the negative black hole types that can swallow you up into their void.  Ain’t nobody got time for that.

11) FUN FACT about yourself:

I have recently become a board member of the Wisconsin Writers Association.  How cool is that?  Pretty soon they will discover how unqualified I am and revoke my badge (that they never gave me in the first place). Let’s keep this one between us, you guys.

12) If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be?

I would say probably my anxiety that likes to rear it’s lumpy head at inopportune moments with little to no rhyme or reason.  I am steadily defeating this dragon though, so worry not, companion!

13) What is something that amazes you?

Life! So cliche, amiright?  But seriously, the incomprehensibly random and preciousness of life.  The more I live it, the more I appreciate it’s fleeting finiteness.

14) Name one of the goals on the tippy top of your life’s bucket list.

To open my beautiful, wonderful Common Ground that I have been working so tirelessly toward since I discovered that it is my life’s mission to bring a comfortable welcoming community space to whoever may find joy and solace within.

15) How have you accomplished or are working toward this goal?


it will be mine


Which is finally PAYING OFF >>>



Following is the blank questionnaire with all of these hard hitting questions eagerly awaiting your response!  This list will be tweaked and probably added to when it is not 11:27pm [and counting] & my brain isn’t beginning the update & restart process even though I keep clicking “LATER, LATER!”  Forced restart, you guys.  No turning back now.



1) What were you like in high school?

2) Are you a creature of habit?

3) What are the types of thoughts that roll around in your head when you should be sleeping?

4) When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you always need a party wingman? Or do you just stay home in your jam jams?  The world needs to know.

5) What animal would you least like to be trapped in a room with?  

6) What animal would you like to be in a room full of?

7) Do you consider yourself “high maintenance?” Elaborate.

8) If you had the budget for this- what is one thing you would rather pay someone to do than do yourself? Why?

9) What are some qualities that draw you to someone new?

10) FUN FACT about yourself:

11) If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be?

12) What is something that amazes you?

13) Name one of the goals on the tippy top of your life’s bucket list.

14) How have you accomplished or are working toward that goal?

15) If you were a character in a Dickens novel, what would your name be? (this question added by author Matt Geiger when he took the Q&A)

16) What was your proudest moment? (this question added by author Nick Chiarkas, when he took the Q&A)

17) What was your most embarrassing moment? (also added by Nick Chiarkas- WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THIS?!?)


Feel free to copy & paste the questions, then post your answers in the comments!  I would love to read them!


Now go forth, and ANSWER!





*Special thanks to THIS COOL ARTICLE from which I snagged and tweaked several questions and ideas for my questionnaire!



    What were you like in high school?

    In high school I was mostly shy; but goofy with the people I did hang around. I was very headstrong (maybe not “was” haha). High school was probably about the time I started to actually open up and really talk to people.

    Are you a creature of habit?

    I am a creature of habitual change. I have always had a tendency to want to change different aspects to try to better some portion of my life. Naturally, I fell into habit with the more major portions; but, I still always wanted to change things.

    What are the types of thoughts that roll around in your head when you should be sleeping?

    All of them. Although, right before bed is or in bed is when I tend to make the most important decisions in my life.

    When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you always need a party wingman? Or do you just stay home in your jam jams? The world needs to know.

    I would either throw small parties or silently and shyly accompany someone else. I was always a fan of party games and people watching.

    What animal would you least like to be trapped in a room with?

    Uhhhh….the buggish variety. I definitely dislike the creepy crawly things. Nope. Nope. Nope.

    What animal would you like to be in a room full of?

    Puppies! The bigger, the better. 🙂

    Do you consider yourself “high maintenance?” Elaborate.

    It really depends on one’s definition of “high maintenance”. I grew up being one of the guys, so, I really don’t know how to be the typical, needy chick. I’m fairly simple and I don’t really ask much of anyone. I’ve always gone for the things I wanted on my own, so, I’ve never really learned to ask for much.

    If you had the budget for this- what is one thing you would rather pay someone to do than do yourself? Why?

    Chores on a daily basis. I like things kept neat and tidy, but don’t have time to get things done. And I’m not even a Mom, yet!

    What are some qualities that draw you to someone new?

    A good sense of humor. Confidence is always good. Oddities and quirks are preferable – I like people for their unique qualities.

    If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be?

    If I could eliminate my lack of confidence, I would be able to accomplish anything I wanted.

    What is something that amazes you?

    When people are giving. It’s not very common anymore. The northern lights will always be at the top of my list. It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen (which I have seen twice).

    Name one of the goals on the tippy top of your life’s bucket list.

    Second to becoming a rockstar, giving back to the world. I have always wanted to make a positive difference.

    How have you accomplished or are working toward that goal?

    I sing in the shower, in my car- everywhere. My boyfriend sings with me (he actually sings more than I do) and it’s awesome!
    I just do small things every day. Opening a door for someone, offering to buy lunch, taking a few tasks off of someone’s shoulders so they don’t feel so stressed-easy small things that anyone can do, yet few do them. I hope that each thing I do, lifts their spirits and makes their day a little bit better.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. OH NO! I just realized I hadn’t added “FUN FACT about yourself” to the questionnaire. DOH. Feel free to add it in, as that is one of the most fun ones! ^_^


  2. What were you like in high school?
    I went through high school in the late 1950’s. “Sweater girls” were big. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweater_girl) I had the figure of a #2 pencil. I wasn’t popular, but I did have a set of close friends, mostly from my Girl Scout troop, who weren’t all that popular either. One of them now organizes our class reunions, and she is very popular. I was a straight A student, except in higher math and chemistry. I was inducted into the National Honor Society, where my Latin (yes, Latin, in a public high school) teacher refused to shake my hand. I dated a “hood” from a rival high school. I spent gym class praying that the ball wouldn’t come anywhere near me. When asked on a questionnaire for a class reunion (I’ve only been to 3, and didn’t start until the 40th) what was my most embarrassing moment in H.S., I couldn’t remember but said it was probably anything I ever did in Home Ec. (Yes, Home Ec.) We didn’t have sex education, so I went to the public library and read stuff from the Kinsey Report and reported back. God knows how that messed my friends up! I also lectured them on atheism and took up Ayn Rand (for the sex and the atheism) – dropped her like a hot potato after the train wreck scene in Atlas Shrugged. My advice – when you hear anyone over the age of 18 praise Ayn Rand, know that the train wreck scene was just fine with them.
    Are you a creature of habit?
    I’m practically OCD. Which I figure is my response to being ADD as well. Both self-diagnosed. When I first heard of ADD, I called it newspeak for daydreaming. I won’t bore you with my daily schedule when alone (it includes time for reading, doing jigsaw puzzles, and a bit of gaming, plus TV). Suffice it to say that all my chores get done and I’ve finished three novels. Works for me.
    What are the types of thoughts that roll around in your head when you should be sleeping?
    Mostly worry about when and if I’m going to get to sleep this time. I used to daydream myself to sleep, but sadly what I mostly look forward to is waking up the next day. No more romance. No huge accomplishments to fanfare. Just doing the stuff I like to do. I now sleep with the TV on, tuned to C-Span. Maybe I shouldn’t confess to that.
    When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you always need a party wingman? Or do you just stay home in your jam jams? The world needs to know.
    I used to go to all the parties. Just got my invitation to a friend’s annual Soup Party, first of the holiday parties among my friends in Seattle. When I had a partner, I went with him. When I didn’t, I went alone. I’d cruise around until I’d had three or four good conversations and then after a couple of hours I could go home. I used to give parties – big parties. I had a huge back garden in Seattle, and I could invite over 100. Generally between 65 and 80 showed up. The best thing about giving your own party is that (a) you don’t have to drive home, and (b) when you get tired of talking to people, you can disappear and they can talk among themselves. 3 or 4 years ago I had what I called The Last Bash. My favorite local band, The Raging Maggots, played. When people complained that it was the last one, I told them they knew where I lived and they could come next year if they wanted. I would be in bed with a good book. Before I left Seattle, my old living room, The Blue Moon Tavern (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Moon_Tavern) , gave me a whopping good going away party. And once again, the Maggots played. Here’s a tour of the Moon. http://www.historylink.org/File/8339 I know several of the people pictured, and that “lanky electrician” he mentions is a dear old friend who never left the bar if I was there without kissing me goodbye.
    What animal would you least like to be trapped in a room with?
    A rooster.

    What animal would you like to be in a room full of?
    Cats. Meer cats.
    Do you consider yourself “high maintenance?” Elaborate.
    No. I say “Excuse me” when people bump into *me*. http://www.barbarasbookhouse.com/Help
    If you had the budget for this- what is one thing you would rather pay someone to do than do yourself? Why?
    Floors. A friend of mine in Seattle cleaned houses for a living, and she came over once a month to do my floors, whether they needed it or not. Then she moved to California, but my housebuddy Jose actually *liked* doing floors. Then I moved to Madison to a little house with all wood flooring and I bought myself a Neato (a squarish Roomba). I named her Mignonette – she’s a minion.
    What are some qualities that draw you to someone new?
    They’ve read or written something I like, they laugh at my jokes or I laugh at theirs. They confess to liking the Grateful Dead or opera. They appear quietly friendly.
    If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be?
    Specifically, the arthritis in my lower back (why I don’t help put away tables at meetings). Generally, an inability to “schmooze.” A friend of mine in Seattle used to urge me to go to the cons and smooze with people in the bar – sometimes those people would be editors or agents or the like. Now, I can talk for a while with people in a social setting if (a) I know them or (b) I feel part of a general discussion. But wander into a bar and “schmooze” with people I’ve never met, unless I’m approached first – no way in hell can I do that. I flee.
    What is something that amazes you?
    Musicians. How they know what to play next. How they can just sit in with a group and pick it up as they go along. I took piano lessons as a child – then violin – then clarinet. None of it really my idea. I can read music, but I can’t read it and play at the same time.
    Oh, and singing. I have a three-note range – maybe 7 or so on a good day – when alone in the house. My biggest grief is when for some reason I just want to open my mouth and sing, and I just fuckin’ can’t.
    Name one of the goals on the tippy top of your life’s bucket list.
    Go to Petra in Jordan and the Serengeti. Out of the running now. But I’ve driven around England, Scotland, and Wales twice, spend 24 hours in Venice, walked my feet off in Paris and Florence and Rome. I’ve struggled up the hill to the Parthenon, through the ruins of Ephesus and sat to read for a bit in the Library of Celsus(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephesus#/media/File:Ephesus_Celsus_Library_Fa%C3%A7ade.jpg). Read a bit of Homer on the site of Troy, a bit of Sappho within sight of the Isle of Lesbos. Visited the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace and the Grand Bazaar in Istabul. So I really can’t complain.
    How have you accomplished or are working toward that goal?
    As I said, Petra and the Serengeti are off the chart for now, due to reduced income and mobility issues. However, if writing at least three novels were still at the top of that list, that has been done. All available for Kindle and soon all will be available in paperback when the third one comes off the Big Book Machine at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, Seattle. I’ll bring copies of all three to a meeting soon, just to show off. 😊



    What were you like in high school?

    I went through high school in the late 1950’s. “Sweater girls” were big. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweater_girl) I had the figure of a #2 pencil. I wasn’t popular, but I did have a set of close friends, mostly from my Girl Scout troop, who weren’t all that popular either. One of them now organizes our class reunions, and she is very popular. I was a straight A student, except in higher math and chemistry. I was inducted into the National Honor Society, where my Latin (yes, Latin, in a public high school) teacher refused to shake my hand. I dated a “hood” from a rival high school. I spent gym class praying that the ball wouldn’t come anywhere near me. When asked on a questionnaire for a class reunion (I’ve only been to 3, and didn’t start until the 40th) what was my most embarrassing moment in H.S., I couldn’t remember but said it was probably anything I ever did in Home Ec. (Yes, Home Ec.) We didn’t have sex education, so I went to the public library and read stuff from the Kinsey Report and reported back. God knows how that messed my friends up! I also lectured them on atheism and took up Ayn Rand (for the sex and the atheism) – dropped her like a hot potato after the train wreck scene in Atlas Shrugged. My advice – when you hear anyone over the age of 18 praise Ayn Rand, know that the train wreck scene was just fine with them.

    Are you a creature of habit?

    I’m practically OCD. Which I figure is my response to being ADD as well. Both self-diagnosed. When I first heard of ADD, I called it newspeak for daydreaming. I won’t bore you with my daily schedule when alone (it includes time for reading, doing jigsaw puzzles, and a bit of gaming, plus TV). Suffice it to say that all my chores get done and I’ve finished three novels. Works for me.

    What are the types of thoughts that roll around in your head when you should be sleeping?

    Mostly worry about when and if I’m going to get to sleep this time. I used to daydream myself to sleep, but sadly what I mostly look forward to is waking up the next day. No more romance. No huge accomplishments to fanfare. Just doing the stuff I like to do. I now sleep with the TV on, tuned to C-Span. Maybe I shouldn’t confess to that.

    When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you always need a party wingman? Or do you just stay home in your jam jams? The world needs to know.

    I used to go to all the parties. Just got my invitation to a friend’s annual Soup Party, first of the holiday parties among my friends in Seattle. When I had a partner, I went with him. When I didn’t, I went alone. I’d cruise around until I’d had three or four good conversations and then after a couple of hours I could go home. I used to give parties – big parties. I had a huge back garden in Seattle, and I could invite over 100. Generally between 65 and 80 showed up. The best thing about giving your own party is that (a) you don’t have to drive home, and (b) when you get tired of talking to people, you can disappear and they can talk among themselves. 3 or 4 years ago I had what I called The Last Bash. My favorite local band, The Raging Maggots, played. When people complained that it was the last one, I told them they knew where I lived and they could come next year if they wanted. I would be in bed with a good book. Before I left Seattle, my old living room, The Blue Moon Tavern (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Moon_Tavern) , gave me a whopping good going away party. And once again, the Maggots played. Here’s a tour of the Moon. http://www.historylink.org/File/8339 I know several of the people pictured, and that “lanky electrician” he mentions is a dear old friend who never left the bar if I was there without kissing me goodbye.

    What animal would you least like to be trapped in a room with?

    A rooster.

    What animal would you like to be in a room full of?

    Cats. Meer cats.

    Do you consider yourself “high maintenance?” Elaborate.

    No. I say “Excuse me” when people bump into *me*. http://www.barbarasbookhouse.com/Help

    If you had the budget for this- what is one thing you would rather pay someone to do than do yourself? Why?

    Floors. A friend of mine in Seattle cleaned houses for a living, and she came over once a month to do my floors, whether they needed it or not. Then she moved to California, but my housebuddy Jose actually *liked* doing floors. Then I moved to Madison to a little house with all wood flooring and I bought myself a Neato (a squarish Roomba). I named her Mignonette – she’s a minion.

    What are some qualities that draw you to someone new?

    They’ve read or written something I like, they laugh at my jokes or I laugh at theirs. They confess to liking the Grateful Dead or opera. They appear quietly friendly.

    If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be?

    Specifically, the arthritis in my lower back (why I don’t help put away tables at meetings).
    Generally, an inability to “schmooze.” A friend of mine in Seattle used to urge me to go to the cons and smooze with people in the bar – sometimes those people would be editors or agents or the like. Now, I can talk for a while with people in a social setting if (a) I know them or (b) I feel part of a general discussion. But wander into a bar and “schmooze” with people I’ve never met, unless I’m approached first – no way in hell can I do that. I flee.
    Oh, and singing. I have a three-note range – maybe 7 or so on a good day – when alone in the house. My biggest grief is when for some reason I just want to open my mouth and sing, and I just fuckin’ can’t.

    What is something that amazes you?

    Musicians. How they know what to play next. How they can just sit in with a group and pick it up as they go along. I took piano lessons as a child – then violin – then clarinet. None of it really my idea. I can read music, but I can’t read it and play at the same time.

    Name one of the goals on the tippy top of your life’s bucket list.

    Go to Petra in Jordan and the Serengeti. Out of the running now. But I’ve driven around England, Scotland, and Wales twice, spend 24 hours in Venice, walked my feet off in Paris and Florence and Rome. I’ve struggled up the hill to the Parthenon, through the ruins of Ephesus and sat to read for a bit in the Library of Celsus(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephesus#/media/File:Ephesus_Celsus_Library_Fa%C3%A7ade.jpg). Read a bit of Homer on the site of Troy, a bit of Sappho within sight of the Isle of Lesbos. Visited the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace and the Grand Bazaar in Istabul. So I really can’t complain.

    How have you accomplished or are working toward that goal?
    As I said, Petra and the Serengeti are off the chart for now, due to reduced income and mobility issues. However, if writing at least three novels were still at the top of that list, that has been done. All available for Kindle and soon all will be available in paperback when the third one comes off the Big Book Machine at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, Seattle. I’ll bring copies of all three to a meeting soon, just to show off. 😊

    Fun Fact: In 1979, I rode on the back of a Harley Sportster from Green Bay, WI to Seattle, WA. Yes, I’ve spent some time as a biker moll.

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